Headteacher's Welcome


Welcome to St Joseph's Catholic Primary School. Our school is a special place which serves the children and families of central Stockport and its surrounding areas. We are proud to be a diverse community, welcoming children from a wide range of nationalities, cultures and faiths. Our motto of ‘Where every child is known and loved, as a child of God’ indicates our faith centred approach and highlights the importance we place on supporting the development of each unique child in our school. 

 In our school we want every child to be happy and successful. To achieve this, we provide a rich and exciting curriculum  within a nurturing, purposeful environment. We challenge and support all our children so that every child has the opportunity to excel and achieve their potential during their time at St Joseph's. 

Visitors are welcome and we are proud to show around any prospective families who would like to find out more about St Joseph's. Partnership between home and school is highly valued and we look forward to working together with our parents in ensuring the very best outcomes for our children. 


Mrs Ann Reeh 



School Events

School Ethos

Together as St Joseph's
We Learn to Love Following Jesus, Sharing our Gifts and
Building God's World

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Where we are

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School
Etchells Street, Stockport SK1 1EF
0161 480 5029

Who we are

Here at St. Joseph's we do our best to challenge and support all our children so that every child has the opportunity to excel and achieve their potential.

Find us on a map